Mug- diagonal

Mug- diagonal


3.75 wide 3.5” tall - 12-15oz

This mug is made with black clay, it is thrown with a trimmed foot. When it’s ready it is carved and then a handle is attached. After the bisque it is then dipped in white slip, re bisqued so I can easily dip the into the glaze. This series are like sparkling jewels - each one is different and unique to the carving and how it reacts to the clay, slip and glaze pooling during the firing. While they can look a little rough, I make sure each is hand sanded so the high points are soft, and comfortable to drink from and hold.

Each mug varies a bit some a smidge wider or taller. Sizes are an approximation to save a little space.

Microwave and dishwasher safe.

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7CD31B6C-6783-4A0A-8A57-6E948121D537 5875A4AE-6131-45BD-AA42-1B38B93E7687

Mug- teal


Mug- River blue


Cup- honey

72C7EF92-E77A-4100-BA4A-21BE5B14E091 6E65EB68-6B05-487A-AF45-9C9E37F32B2F

Mug- grey

FECB73EF-7410-4F2B-AD13-7057B2E69A79 2AA3D613-B6DC-4035-BBA4-5A781315D4FA

Mug- teal
